Judge dismisses Brad Pitt’s claims against Angelina Jolie in shocking twist

Brad Pitt Loses Ground in Legal Battle Over Château Miraval

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s tumultuous divorce continues to dominate headlines as their legal battle over the famed French vineyard, Château Miraval, persists.

Despite their separation, the former power couple remains entangled in a bitter dispute concerning their joint investment in the picturesque estate.

The Contentious History of Château Miraval

Purchased in 2008 during happier times, Château Miraval served as a symbol of the couple’s shared aspirations. However, their once harmonious partnership soured, leading to a contentious split in 2021. Jolie’s decision to sell her 50% stake in the property to Tenute del Mondo for a hefty $67 million triggered a cascade of legal confrontations.

Pitt’s Legal Maneuvers

Brad Pitt swiftly retaliated, filing a lawsuit against Jolie in February of the following year. Alleging financial damages and seeking to nullify Jolie’s sale, Pitt accused his former spouse of malicious intent. He contended that Jolie’s actions were designed to undermine his interests in the winemaking venture.

A Surprising Court Ruling

After months of legal wrangling, a recent development in the case has shifted the momentum. In an unexpected turn, a Los Angeles court dismissed five of Pitt’s original claims against Jolie. This ruling dealt a significant blow to Pitt’s efforts to assert control over Château Miraval.

Jolie’s Response

Jolie’s attorney, Paul Murphy, welcomed the court’s decision, asserting that the dismissed claims lacked legal merit. Murphy emphasized that the essence of Pitt’s lawsuit was not rooted in business disputes but rather aimed at concealing allegations of abuse—a characterization vehemently denied by Pitt.

The Road Ahead

While Pitt’s legal team has yet to respond to the latest ruling, the case is far from resolved. Despite the setbacks, Pitt retains two remaining claims. One revolves around an alleged implicit agreement between the former spouses, wherein Jolie purportedly agreed not to sell her Miraval shares without Pitt’s consent. The other centers on Pitt’s claim for compensation for his purportedly extensive contributions to the winery.

Nouvel’s Counterclaims

Adding another layer of complexity, Nouvel, now under the control of Stoli, has launched a counterattack against Pitt. Accusing him of mismanagement and self-serving actions, Nouvel seeks $250 million in damages. Pitt has moved to dismiss many of these claims, but the court has allowed Nouvel to proceed with its case.

The Verdict

As the legal saga unfolds, both sides remain entrenched in their positions. While Jolie hopes for a swift resolution and a return to privacy, Pitt remains determined to defend his interests in Château Miraval. With significant claims dismissed but key issues still in contention, the future of this high-profile dispute remains uncertain.

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